Durable aroma wellness finish for enriching textiles with the scent and properties of Eucalyptus

BAYSCENT® Eucalyptus is an encapsulated scenting agent being released during wear. The active ingredient is 99% pure Eucalyptol, main ingredient of Eucalyptus essential oil, featuring a distinct camphoraceous smell, with hints of mint, honey, and citrus. Eucalyptus is well known for its crispy, cooling, minty aroma that makes it an instant refresher. The scent stimulates the senses, helping to refresh, relax and re-energize. It will open your sinuses and clears nasal congestion.

BAYSCENT® Eucalyptus is part of our wellness finishes portfolio. Discover all wellness finishes available.

BAYSCENT® Eucalyptus is part of our bio-based product range Biolutions. Learn more about Biolutions



  • Continuous application


  • Cationic

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